Polished and Unpolished Millets – What is Best for you.

Introduction: With their many health advantages and adaptability in the kitchen, millets have become a nutritious powerhouse. The argument between polished and unpolished millets is becoming more and more popular as interest in healthier grains grows. We clarify millet flour, explore the subtle differences between polished and unpolished millets, and provide guidance on choosing the … Read more

Dr Khader Vali – The Millet Man of India

Introduction: In the middle of Karnataka’s lush fields lives a man whose name is renowned for health and sustainability: Dr. Khader Vali, also referred to as the “Millet Man of India.” He is a pioneer in India’s agricultural landscape because his life’s work focuses on the resurrection of traditional millet cultivation and the promotion of … Read more

Millets: Superfood or Passing Fad? Separating Fact from Fiction

Introduction:⁤ One question that frequently comes up in the constantly changing world of nutrition is whether some foods are actually worth the hype or are just passing fads. ⁤⁤Millets have become a contentious topic in these talks, with supporters praising them as superfoods and others writing them off as fleeting fads. ⁤⁤Let’s explore the crux … Read more

Unveiling the Nutritional Marvels: Types of Millets You Need to Know

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of nutrition, the resurgence of ancient grains like millets has captured the attention of health enthusiasts and food aficionados alike. As we delve into the world of millets, let’s uncover the unique qualities and diverse flavors these tiny seeds bring to the table. Join me on this journey through the … Read more

Common Varieties of Millets in India

In India, several millet varieties are commonly consumed across different regions. Here are some of the most common millets in India along with their regional names: These are some of the commonly consumed millets in India, and the regional names may vary across different states and languages. Each millet has its own distinct taste, texture, … Read more

Brief History of Millets in India

Millets have a long history of cultivation and consumption in India, dating back thousands of years. They were one of the staple crops grown by ancient Indian civilizations, particularly in regions with semi-arid and dry climates. Here’s a brief overview of the history of millets in India: Today, millets are experiencing a resurgence in India. … Read more