About Us

Welcome to our blog www.humblemillets.com, your single reference point for all the information on millets. We’re passionate about educating people about the advantages of this ancient grain, from its intriguing history to its adaptability in the kitchen.

Our blog is dedicated to providing you with valuable information on millets- types, health benefits, recipes, and more. Whether you’re a long-time millet enthusiast or just discovering this superfood, you’ll find plenty of inspiration and knowledge here.

At our millet blog, we believe that food is medicine, and we’re committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle through the consumption of nutrient-rich, wholesome foods. Millets are an excellent addition to any diet, and we’re here to show you how to incorporate them into your meals in fun, delicious ways.

We’ll be sharing recipes that will make your taste buds dance, exploring the various types of millets and their unique properties, and diving into the rich history and culture of millets around the world. We’ll also be covering current news and trends related to millets and answering your burning questions.

Join us on this millet-filled adventure, and let’s discover the power of this incredible grain together!


“Millet is a staple food for millions of people around the world, and its value in terms of nutrition and sustainability cannot be overstated”

– Dr. Mercy Lung’aho, nutritionist and food scientist

“Millet is a versatile crop that can be used in a variety of dishes, from porridges and bread to salads and stir-fries.”

– Chef Ramaa Shanker, culinary expert

“Millet is a powerhouse of nutrients, including protein, fiber, and minerals, that can help us to address malnutrition and hunger.”

– Dr. Aakash Ranjan, nutritionist and public health expert